Romans 10:10 "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
As I looked at the condition of our churches and saw how they are departing from the Bible over the years and started to do things by man's wisdom instead of God's way, it made me grieved. The verse that the Lord used to work this in my heart was in the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah wept when he saw the condition of Jerusalem. The walls were broken down, and the gates burned with fire. Through this it was in my heart to help rebuild the walls of salvation and the gates of praise. Through God's leading me, He told me that it pleased Him to send me to do this work.
I grew up in the modern evangilistic tactics of childhood evangelism. When I was 9 years old, I prayed a "sinner's prayer" out of a pamplet and was taught that was being saved. Over time and God leading me to the truth, I was shown that this was not real salvation. Read my testimony on the this webstie to read how I was really saved in 2009 as a 28 year old. Out of this the Lord has put it on my heart to help people that were just like me, who did not know or understand the truth about salvation. I encourage you to read our testimonies to see how this was worked in our members here at Remnant of Grace Baptist Church.
The Lord has sent us to Canton/Collinsville in order to plant a garden (Ezekiel 36). God is going to use sinners that He will call out, save, and put a new heart in them. He is wanting to plant a beautiful garden that will bear fruit for Him to enjoy.
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